The Salvation Army: Christmas Wishes

All I want for Christmas...

Christmas is a time of hope, joy…and finding that perfect gift. 

Over the years, Australians have become more determined to not let Christmas be about consumerism, and instead, to make it a more meaningful holiday. 

So, to meet that opportunity, a few years ago we worked with the Salvos to reinvigorate their physical gift catalogue. The catalogue features a range of essential items — like blankets, hot meals and survival kits for people facing homelessness — that supporters can donate. Its popularity wasn’t the issue, it’s just traditionally been sent out only via mail every year, so in order to expand its reach and target younger donors, we took it digital.

The perfect gift 

Christmas Wishes, a Christmas present that gives a practical gift of hope, joy and care to Aussies in need. 

A Christmas meal. A gift hamper. Housing for a woman escaping domestic violence. 

Achieving the fabled ‘cut through’ that all campaigns strive for was always going to be a challenge in the cluttered online market, but a clever combination of the power of e-commerce and purposeful gift trends gave us a great place to start.

Next, our digital campaign borrowed from e-commerce best practice by productising donations and using adapted creative execution to cut through. We also added more gifts and a greater diversity of price points, including a whole new category for major donors.

And finally, we paid close attention to the website check-out experience and the creative on it, taking influence from retail e-commerce best-practice and updating the website to make it easier for customers to add multiple gifts, round up their donation and contribute to postage. Put all those things together (easier said than done!), and the adaptation of a popular physical catalogue to digital is complete.

A Christmas miracle! 

The theory and execution paid off — The Salvos acquired a record number of new donors on digital by moving forward with a digital acquisition campaign — 50% more donors acquired than the previous Christmas, digital revenue grew 74%, and the average gift size increased.

Most importantly, by taking the catalogue digital and presenting an entirely new cohort of donors with the opportunity to help their fellow Aussies, more families facing crisis received some essential support in time for Christmas.


Donation value from new donors acquired through digital
new donors acquired through digital
increase in donation value YoY
average gift of new donors acquired through digital


Creative Concept

Brand Development

Digital Campaign

Photo & Video Shoot

Media Management