The Good Friday Appeal

"She's a better art director than I am!"

The first thing we noticed when we started working with the Good Friday Appeal was how much their 2022 ambassador Isla (8 years old) loved to draw. The photos of her time in hospital were full of colour, joy and drawings — even in the most difficult of circumstances.

We knew we wanted to capture that energy for the 2022 Good Friday Appeal and so, we let Isla take over.

Who says you can't colour outside the lines?

The Good Friday Appeal is an iconic event aimed at raising money for Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital. Over the past 91 years the Appeal had successfully engaged the community across a multi channel traditional fundraising approach. However, after Covid, it was evident they needed to retain the traditional channels but invest further in digital for future growth. In 2022 they came to ntegrity to take their digital strategy to its next stage of growth. 

To do so, we took a new approach to the iconic Faces of the Appeal.  

The idea was to let the kids behind the Good Friday Appeal create as much of the campaign as possible. We created a look and feel that Isla and Alex, our two ambassadors, could engage with and then let them take the art direction from there. 

With their crayons and paint they created the lock up for the campaign. We then worked with them to write messaging that was used across all our channels so they could tell their story in their own words. We then brought it all to life everywhere —  across digital, social, outdoor and on TV. The kids’ work was amazing — creating a campaign that was authentic, colourful, eye-catching, positive and as upbeat as they are. 

We then created a detailed marketing strategy to share their story with donors, and managed the digital advertising.


raised on an initial target of $75k for last click paid digital media
return on investment
increase YOY
raised, a record-breaking amount
raised on an initial target of $75k for last click paid digital media
return on investment
increase YOY
raised, a record-breaking amount

Services used:

  • Digital Campaign Strategy
  • Creative Concept
  • Photo & Video Shoot
  • Creative Production
  • Media Management
“It was powerful to share Isla and Alex’s stories with the world. Their stories brought the cause to life and we are thrilled with what ntegrity helped us accomplish this year. They created a special campaign that highlighted the importance of The Royal Children’s Hospital  Good Friday Appeal.”
Rebecca Cowan
Executive Director, Good Friday Appeal


Melbourne Sydney Adelaide

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