Help ANU’s College of Business & Economics implement their new digital strategy to increase student recruitment and engagement.


Rather than hire new digital specialists, sometimes it’s better to simply upskill your already kickass team.


We created a team-wide digital marketing skills assessment, designed a personalised training plan, and held custom training sessions to equip ANU with the skills to drive their own digital results.

Building strong digital capabilities within the ANU team

88% of companies say finding digital talent is a challenge, with 42% saying it’s their biggest challenge. This means Australian companies are fishing for talent from a limited pool, especially if they are outside an urban centre.

ANU’s College of Business & Economics had just worked with ntegrity to launch a new digital strategy to increase student recruitment and engagement, however in the process they identified that while they had the internal resources, their team did not have the capabilities to execute the strategy successfully. This was a key limitation standing in the way of growth.

So to begin, we conducted a team-wide skills assessment mapping out individual and team capabilities as well as gaps and training needs. This training plan aligned to their two year digital strategy, and identified potential needs for the future.

We then designed and developed a series of eight custom training workshops. Training was delivered over a two month period and combined both teaching and practical elements to ensure knowledge was immediately put into action.

This was matched with weekly consulting sessions with ANU-CBE’s marketing manager, to help refine the strategy and identify new opportunities for growth.

Services used:

  • Skills assessment & training plan
  • Custom training
  • Consulting
  • Google Grants
ntegrity delivered a bespoke digital training for my team. The presentation was flawlessly delivered and all participants reported that they found the training useful, relevant, engaging and finished with an improved understanding of the role and importance of digital within their respective work areas.
Tanya Ali
Manager: Public Relations, Events and Communications ANU College of Business and Economics


The team was able to execute their digital strategy with limited outsourcing, and were able to offer new growth opportunities to retain key staff, making ANU - CBE an employer of choice in the Canberra region.


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