The myth of Z.E.R.O marketing strategies

by Nicole Krause
January 17, 2017

Controversial media commentator Joseph Jaffe has once again divided opinion with the launch of his latest book, Z.E.R.O (co-authored with Maarten Albarda), which presents the notion that optimal company budget for advertising is nothing.

In Z.E.R.O, Jaffe advocates that traditional paid-for marketing is useless and, that businesses should instead adopt a model that prioritises four key factors; Zealots (and spokespeople), Earned Media (3rd party media), Real Customers (customer feedback) and Owned Media (website, blog and social media presence).

Yes, you heard that right, Jaffe believes that the optimal advertising budget is no budget at all.

But, before you get excited and start slashing, it’s important to remember that even though this model doesn’t contain any traditional paid-for marketing, such as television, radio, print media or banner advertising, the tactics used in a Z.E.R.O strategy are not always free.

And that’s because in order to get the optimal benefit from your Z.E.R.O tactics, especially you owned media (website, blog and social media), you need to invest.

Social media may have evened out the marketing playing field, but it is still the case companies that if you want to succeed in social media, you need to spend on social media.

Facebook today, is nothing like the Facebook of five years ago. No longer can you post a free status update on your company page and reach the majority of of your fans, instead new algorithms mean that you cannot reach your entire audience without paying.

Similarly, Search Engine Optimisation, a key part of almost all online marketing strategies, is far more effective when coupled with Search Engine Marketing, which isn’t free.

Even traditional print, radio and television advertising still have their place in the marketing mix. As part of a holistic strategy that incorporates a variety of channels, both online and offline. Channel variety can help to overcome marketing fatigue and increases message exposure, greatly improving the chance of a sale.

For, even in the age of digital, the most effective marketing strategy is one in which your message is as omnipresent as possible.

And this means the marketing strategies that succeed are all-inclusive ones, where  social media is not seen as the cheap alternative to traditional marketing, but as just one component of the marketing mix, working in tandem with traditional media and advertising.

If you would like to speak to our team of digital experts about how to better utilise your marketing spend for online and social media, get in touch via

You can watch the full hangout with Joseph Jaffe here